Quit it! Don’t let fear and anxiety become pandemics too

engin-akyurt-KtYvqysesC4-unsplash We all have profound courage & faith but currently we all are feeling unworthy as if the world is or would be so much better without us, but still we all have that courage left in us that is so grand, that without any fear we still have hopes to be there to fight against this bio warfare, it is taking so much effort to do this but we are all into together. We are literally forcing ourselves to be safe at our own house, making our own land very strange to us. It is not anxiety or fear we are fighting with but leading each one of us straight towards depression which cannot be explained, we have been clean, saved and sober for decades been fortunate enough to travel the world, our life has been looking good or rather great with some depression at times; today look where we are one of those days where smile and laugh is fading out every minute with my mind & heart screaming inside and a chaotic mess in my mind, that has been dormant which will stay for a very long time.

sasha-freemind-Pv5WeEyxMWU-unsplashWe are unable to smile and play the game of “acting” normal. Sometimes even above and beyond normal, while the inner me, in its entirety wants to go into a dark closet like place to never come out. It is scaring us… Quit the thought of being isolated, Quit pulling the blanket over your head & crying, don’t disappear in your world of negative thoughts. Accept the fact and be normal as you haven’t caused it neither can you fix it. Stay strong, don’t make it hard on yourself.

Embrace your life’s journey and commit to learning and self-improvement. Focus your efforts on those things you can change. Being too hard on yourself goes hand in hand with a low self-esteem. Challenge the negativity and focus your energy on moving forwards. Focus on the positives. There are always positives; however, you probably won’t see them when you’re too hard on yourself. You will have to make a conscious effort to see them. Ask yourself what you’ve done well and the things that you like about yourself and your life.

“Life is one thing after another, and just because the universe has already sent us one big stress, it doesn’t mean we won’t be hit with others.”


I always enjoyed doing research on effects of anxiety and fear on individuals, families and larger systems. I have managed anxiety in my own life at times but I understand it is not easy to tackle the rise in panic accompanying COVID-19. It is easy to succumb to fear in the face of uncertainty and unpredictability, yet experts insist there is still room for a bit of optimism. Today it is hard to remember this when we’re hand washing, stockpiling and practicing social distancing.

Let’s stay centered, refrain from succumbing to our worst fears and be better prepared for whatever our collective future holds.

Quit being hard on youself; Know the facts. My advice for coping is the same for all the scary events and possibilities that life brings: Go for the facts — even difficult ones — because anxiety escalates and fantasies flourish in the absence of information. But don’t
overdo it, as too much information can aggravate stress making your life harder than it is. Because the world is rife with misinformation, & under stress, people are unlikely to rethink the filters through which they see reality. Be responsible to pay attention to your own most valued sources of information.


The current world crisis will obviously hit you harder than if everything in your life was otherwise moving along swimmingly. It is normal to feel overwhelmed but what we can avoid is labeling ourselves as “weak” or comparing ourselves to others. Everyone is confronting challenges we may not fully recognize or understand so quit being hard to you.

Refrain from shaming and blaming…

adi-goldstein--KobSuU7b3g-unsplashWhen survival anxiety is high and goods feel scarce, it’s easy to blame or scapegoat others, forgetting that we are all in this together. While we can’t fully eradicate our fears, we can work to understand how anxiety operates and how it affects us — for better and for worse. Anxiety can be useful when it signals a problem and motivates us to unite to solve it. If we make a deliberate effort to hold on to our humanity,it can bring us together.
Connect, connect, connect…


Social distancing and mandates to shelter in place may require us to stay in our homes, but that doesn’t mean we have to isolate. It’s essential to stay in constant touch with family, friends, neighbors and other resources and find ways to keep calm. Use the phone, text, email — all means possible — to stay connected to friends, neighbors, your adult children, anyone who matters to you This moment calls on us to not only care for others but to also be gentle with ourselves. Anxiety and fear are physiological processes that cavort and careen through our bodies and make us miserable. They will subside, only to return again; they will arrive uninvited for as long as we live. So don’t be hard on yourself when you can’t shut yourself off from fear and pain — your own and the world’s. Fear isn’t fun, but it signals that we are fully human.

Slow down, engage in healthy practices and try to sustain regular routines…


Therapy, conversation, exercise, yoga, meditation and religious and spiritual practices are good starting points. In these stressful times, it’s important to try to manage our own anxiety and do our best not to pass it on to others on the contrary we should not let fear lead us into isolation or stop us from acting with clarity, compassion and courage.

Terrible things happen, but it is still possible to move forward with love and hope.

De-clutter your life


We all lead busy lives. In today’s world, it’s as if it’s a badge of honour, rushing to the next thing, working late to meet that deadline.

With all of the busyness that fills our days, weeks and months, our mental space begins to fill simultaneously. Internal thinking begins to pile high collecting dust. Stress and anxiety begin to form, ultimately, transcending into our outer world. Our days become even busier with stress and anxiety layered on top.

This is especially true during times of personal struggle. Our mental space becomes so cluttered with thoughts of reality, sprinkled in with fictitious inner-ramblings that we often find it hard to decipher between the two.

It’s time to De-clutter our mind…



We often get stuck in the past & future instead of what we can do now, instead of finding ways to move forward, we freeze. We often get stuck in the past wanting to relive it, hoping to change it. Thought about the things we should or shouldn’t have done.

We have the tendency to push off accepting and owning the reality, in which we lived, not accept to face failure & this is taking us down unnecessary rabbit holes of fictitious thoughts.

The more we surrender to our inner dialogue, the more mental clutter was accumulating. As this began to stack, stress and anxiety started creeping up around the corner. Amongst all this Relationship becomes toxic, hurting people you loved the most was cherished unconsciously. Emotionally and physically our relationship with our near & dear ones started becoming unhealthy, and how much hurt it caused those around us never mattered until you are there with them within the locked doors.

Lets Rediscover your thoughts…


Let’s take a decision, a vow in fact, and committed to being intentional about our self-growth, to rediscover who we were, need to reestablish our values. We have to take care of ourselves first in order to give our best self to others.

To start with let’s declutter our mental space. Today our head chatters by clouding the lens in which we are seeing the world. We all should find ways to eliminate the clutter and make space for presence and truth.

Here are three ever so simple, but foundational, ways to declutter your mental space:

clever-visuals-iMwiPZNX3SI-unsplash1. Read & Understand that as much as we all want to find an escape, what we need most is connection and perspective. Escaping is merely suppressing the pain, allowing it to fester and morph into something much larger than what it already was & is. When you’re able to recognize the feeling of wanting to escape, use it as a springboard toward self-growth and reinvention. Reading & Understanding connects us to the power of personal story and shed light onto perspective. It will make us see the very thing that is causing pain a little bit differently.


2. Meditate with your mind as it doesn’t always have to be sitting on the floor with your back straight and hands on your knees while concentrating on your breathing. As powerful as this has been for anyone, meditation can be as simple as finding joy in the quiet — finding space within your day to be bored and still finding solitude. This will allow our mind & physical ability to stimulate & slow down our thoughts towards what is going around & to become more present with the moment and to become one with ourselves. It’s finding wholeness and connection with us & others.


3. Pen down your thoughts & write the unspoken words, feelings you are unable to express which may be an answer to our prayers. It’s the purest form of release within our mind & heart. Let’s move out from the city dump and charity to the thoughts that have cluttered our mental space. Writing wholeheartedly in a journal holds the key to personal discoveries you couldn’t have even imagined.

Allowing everything to pass from our egotistic head chatter to our fingers and onto paper has become the foundation to our self-growth. The feeling of busyness and anxiety will begin to slow down itself.

Decluttering your mental space will uncover the truth that sits within you, most times buried under the unnecessary thoughts. As your truth emerges and you will begin to live life through a sense of lightness which will take over & give a meaningful dimension in your life…

Our inner world is often the thing that gets neglected, even though it’s the very thing feeding our outer world. As you might look to declutter your physical possessions, pause and pay attention to your inner dialogue. Maybe, just maybe, your next task is decluttering your mental clutter which will really help when the entire globe is undergoing changes.


Managing Work Politics

Mitigate the effects of work politics within your reach


It is unpleasant, it can get messy, and it drains on your productivity. However, even though it is all that and more, politics is an integral part of life for all human beings.

Even though it is unpleasant, and drains out productivity, it is still hard to admit for most of us that success at work is not only about the ‘work’. There is an element of office politics involved as well.

Like everything else in life, politics at the workplace is a solvable problem. All you need to do is pay attention to the signs and start developing your ‘political radar’. Keep your guard up, because as soon as you let it down, in comes the jab blindsiding you and ruining all the efforts and hard work you’ve put into your job over the years.

1. Cement your relation with your peers

It may seem odd to be advised to share knowledge and skills with your peers, but the truth is, you need to do that so that you’re never redundant to anyone. It helps you to cement a bond with your colleagues and reduces the chances of having to face difficult situations perpetrated by them.

2. Lay off the gossip

Speaking negatively about anyone behind their back can be counterproductive to your personal and professional growth. You may be tempted to talk about your direct competitors, but it is always advisable to lay off the gossip. You never know who would or could work against you. When instigated, stay away from responding in kind. This will help establish you as a mature and trustworthy person above politics.

3. Fake it till you make it

There are always two aspects of your work – the actual productive work that you accomplish, and what others perceive you have accomplished. Avoid being seen as the ‘center of the universe’ or a ‘chatterbox’ at work at any cost. If you are in the habit of finishing your work quickly, find yourself a skill that will add value to your career and spend some time improving yourself with that.

4. Learn the art of self – PR

Believe it or not – you are your own publicist in the workplace.Make sure you never sound arrogant in such situations. An easy way to accomplish that is by ensuring you mention some of your colleagues who helped you in your accomplishment.

An organization free of office politics is a paradox. But, to mitigate the effects of politics on your work is well within your reach. Proactive strategies that offer preventive measures are always better than finding a cure to office politics. It is especially important for managers to know and be capable of perceiving and mitigating the factors that add to office politics to create a highly motivated, consistent and efficient workforce.

Job Mania

A friend once swore she was going to help me get a job.
Few days after, I received a call from one lady while I was having my hair washed at a saloon. She told me my friend spoke to her about me and she requested we meet at a named 3 star hotel immediately or lose the ‘big opportunity’ for a job. With my hair still dripping wet, I dashed home and changed into something decent. As soon as I got there, someone directed me to the hotel’s garden. Seated there were 3 guys and a lady. All of them wore a yellow t-shirt and they were fiddling with a laptop.
Oh, so I’m going to be registering SIM cards for JIO, I thought.
The first question she asked was if I am a computer literate.
“Yes” I quickly responded.
“Great! I’m actually a HR officer. My client will conduct the interview herself but I had to meet you first to be sure I’m recommending the right person..”

“I am the right person mam” I affirmed.

“Are you born again??” She asked.

That question knocked me off my feet.
Judging from that, It was obvious I was going to be an accountant for Deeper Life Church.
“Yes..I’m born again mam.” I replied trying not to mince words.

“Beautiful!!” She exclaimed.
“Your interview is going to be at No bla bla bla by 9am on Saturday…its a new plaza in town. I don’t need to go into the details of the job but I’m positive you’re going to love it. Send your CV to bla bla bla mail. Also make copies of all your credentials and take it along. And pleases do something about that hair before Saturday. First impression matters you know.” she added.

End of first interview. I heaved a sigh of relief and left the hotel.

Friday morning, sickness struck. Headache, fever remixed with cold and catarrh.
I contemplated between using the little money I had to make my hair or using the money to buy drugs and LIVE.
“Make your hair, get the job and use your salary to buy a pharmacy.” The devil commanded.

If I pass the interview, the sickness might disappear out of excitement, I thought.
The next morning, I was on my way to the interview with the most painful Ghana braids on my hair. My bad health was not helping matters.
To be honest, the malaria had me looking like a fairly used chicken.
I also went with a Ghana must go bag of all my certificates (except my death certificate) only to realise it was a small ugly, stuffy bookshop without a standing/ceiling fan to cool down my temper.
My temper at that point was capable of boiling yam for a family of 3.
If I had my way, I would have tattooed the meaning of plaza on the HR forehead. Smhow my potential employer had not arrived yet so I used the opportunity to peruse the books on a dusty shelf.
A couple of Joyce Meyer books, books on wildlife, one Daily Manna devotional, Igbo men success stories books, history books, a couple of encyclopedia, and some other random boring looking books.
By 9:30, Madam CEO arrived and the interview process commenced.
She fired me a number of JAMB questions like she was sent to hire me as an accountant for Aso Rock.

As God would have it, I impressed her.

Then she began her speech…
“This plastic chair you are sitting on is going to be your office. You are to report from Monday to Saturday and your job runs from 8am to 6pm.”

Before I could utter, what time will I use to search for a husband then?
She cut me and continued her cool story.
“You are the customer care representative, office assistant, and marketer of this place.”
Upon hearing that, I had to peep at the wall mirror to check whether I have three heads. Does this woman think my head is 3 in one or what?
She went on…

“You would also assist Lilian, the sales girl in drawing accounts. Every Wednesday is marketing days. You are to take some of the books to churches, banks and offices to sell them. These are nice books so its going to be easy for you. That should enable you network.”

Wonderful! With this sort of job, my salary should be such that I would be able to ride a NANO in 6 months time.

She was not done with me…

As a customer care rep, you have to try to read all the books in this shop. People will call to request information about one book or the other that’s why.”
My head harddrive had crashed upon hearing that.
Are you kidding me? Woman, I don’t even read sign board these days!
I didn’t want to hear more.
“How much is my salary?” I deadpanned

She paced around for a few seconds before dropping the bombshell.
“Salary is Rs 10000!”

The last time I checked, Nigeria abolished slavery.
I broke into laughter. A laughter of misery and frustration.
To add insult to the injury, she began to yak on how there are no jobs in Nigeria. In her words “I better accept the offer. People will kill to have this job.”

Even if I were stupid enough to take the shitty job, my transportation to and fro the bookshop was roughly 2000 a month. Balance is 8k. Basically, I’ll go home with 8K every month at my age, stage and relationship status?

Waste of Ghana braids!
I just wanted to loosen my braids there in her office and force her to swallow the attachment.
“Thank you madam for your offer!” I muttered.
If I had spent an extra minute in there, I would have probably be tumbling down the book shelves.

I packed what was left of my dignity and sicknesses and hurried out of her book kiosk.
As for my friend, we’ve not spoken to ourselves since then.

“No one waiting for me anywhere beside a cup of coffee…………………………”

I would suggest people to hold meetings outside the office, at a specific coffee shop to inspire the thought process for new ideas.

Ever since I was a teenager, I’ve loved the smell of coffee houses. I remember walking by the coffee shop and smelling the tempting aroma of the ground beans. I used to be attracted to the best mugs and cookie jars and would peek at every time I was there.

The first was this morning when I got my thought fix before I got ready for work. I didn’t have time to sit and type – so today’s blog prompt was the perfect excuse to let myself indulge again within the same 24 hours spending few hours out of it at my favorite cafe .

There are few cafes know me by name and know what sorts of things I like to drink. I don’t have a regular, but some favorites. They all know now what sorts of combinations to recommend to me. (They recently had me try chai in a pumpkin spice latte. FANTASTIC!)

Its quiet this evening, which is nice. It was very crowded in here last evening, and after a long day it’s nice to have someplace relaxing to go and sit and write. A few other people have entered as well, but they are sitting behind me and if I turn around to look I’ll be a creeper. So that’s probably not a good idea. There are a few other girls sitting outside in the sunshine. They have a little dog with them that is incredibly cute and makes me most thrilled to get myself introduce just to hug that cute little creature

I love the diverse mix of people who come through cafes, all of them separate entities but vital ingredients in these massive tossed salads we call cities. I take a lot of photos in cafes, mostly of my drink trying to capture the quiet, restorative freedom of the moment.

I regularly spend pockets of time alone in cafes, for some munch with good presentation or a quiet cup of tea or chai, with my mobile or simply my own thoughts for exploring new venture. It feels less cloistered, less monastic, than eating lunch in my office with the door shut, and yet there’s a sheer curtain of privacy between me and the rest of the world. I don’t like to isolate myself completely, but I do like a modicum of space to breathe, to write, to pause and enjoy.

Some days do call for total solitude, and as near silence as I can get. But on many others, I love feeling that tug, that connection to the beat of whatever city I happen to be in. I love observing what people wear, how they take their coffee

Holding a meeting somewhere outside the office will inspire the thought process of those individuals due to the being in new surroundings, seeing how others interact or Mother Nature herself. Business men have been holding sales calls while golfing for a very long time so why not use the same process and hold a small meeting at a coffee shop rather than having a meeting
every day in conference rooms or over the web while in our office, but how can one be stimulated while starring at the same walls day in and day out.

Whilst sat in my local cafe a few weeks back trying to work out precisely which etiquette faux pas really got me riled, I had a bit of a brainwave whilst getting rather frustrated by the bunch of strugglers sitting with a guitar spitting around worst than a bathroom singer stood quiet close on the same seating I had parked my bottom to enjoy my Cappuccino, staring intently at me whilst picking his nose. “Lovely”. Nobody has cared less and I had to avoid awkward eye contact with this golden nose treasure seeker for quite some time, more than mildly annoying. This was just the start of my thought process on Coffee shop etiquette. I realised that there’s a lot to be said when it comes to coffee shop do’s and don’ts and how to (and very much how not to) behave.

There are few cafes have started to change their wifi password every hour, printing a fresh password on drinks receipts to ensure that their customer doesn’t just camp for free. Personally, I think this is a cunning idea and I won’t knock them for trying it, I’m actually all for it. We are all guilty of making cafes and coffee shops our own personal office space, myself included, so with this concept I do believe some rules should be adhered to so as not to make enemies with your local coffee pit stop – it’s not a free office facility, it’s their business too, so don’t take advantage.

I used to just feel a sense of kinship for this place I visit almost every day. Now I feel a sense of ownership. Friends joke that I should just work here. I still make more writing for four hours here, at the same small, round, crooked table every day.

It’s weird because if you go to a coffee shop in the middle of the day in just about any city (and probably some small towns, too!) there will always people in that coffee shop. People you might see once and never again. People, who could be visiting, people who could be your next door neighbor who you’ve never met. It’s a strange existence, the coffee shop life, because I have so many questions and am so very curious about all the other people I occasionally encounter during my coffee shop visits, and yet I never actually talk to anyone or ask anyone who anyone is or what anyone is doing. That’s the thing – we’re all here for a purpose, and whatever that purpose is, because we know there is one, it’s as though the café-dwellers abide by a code. Everyone is often polite but has very little interaction with each other.

The people who visit café at any point of the day are unified by their purpose and desire to be in the coffee shop and protected by this shared intention, even though some of us are strangers and we’ll never meet and I’ll never know what they are writing or discussing or pretending to be busy on their laptop or mobile and what music they are listening to and where they came from and where they are going to.

With special thanks to all coffee shop owners  involved in the research for this article, for they may or may not know who they are! It’s been amusing and some comments I haven’t felt that I can write due to their serious passion and hatred towards certain mannerisms, but I feel this gets the point across perfectly that cafes has made  our lives so special at times for most of us today as I keep on sharing my cafe experience story added withwicked sense of humour, like myself, then you may find this coffee shop tale very amusing indeed!


“HALF A TRUTH IS BETTER THAN NO POLITICS……………….if it’s not broken fix it before it is”


Lettuce is like a politician’s speech or conversation; it must be fresh and crisp, so sparkling that you scarcely notice the bitter in it

It’s come to my attention that I love my country. However, I know very little of its current affairs. Perhaps I’m being modest, but I like playing it safe. I have my own perception and it’s kinda a big deal especially if you follow me and actually care about what I write. We are gullible to the “suckers” born every minute and expect this to continue without a word

Political interests can bring together people who otherwise have little in common “Misery acquaints a man with strange bedfellows.” It is spoken by a man who has been shipwrecked and finds himself seeking shelter beside a sleeping monster, that’s what we all do seeking shelter from politician who sleeps and rise only as per their needs

Little children lined up with our nation flags. I couldn’t help but feel we are just brainwashing them into thinking that violent conflict is somehow the answer to our problems as a nation

I wish more guys were out there whom I could consider “real men or a real politician.” In my own humble opinion, our country lacks real politician. Ironic but a real politician doesn’t act like a bunch of crybabies just because things don’t go their way. Real politician don’t simply voice themselves rather like real men take action.

I hear all sorts of rhetoric on social media or news coming from so called journalists and reporters about more nonsense then I have ever heard my entire life. A bunch of bought punks expressing themselves about politics, race baiting, the economy, you name it. Most of these losers are all talk and no action. They are a bunch of cry baby whiners and when they do take action, its completely uncontrolled action.

You think these politicians will take action? Hell no! Look at single families these days. I know… it’s a two way streak. But let’s face it, if more of common man out there acted rather than the politician of today and had their shit together, then our youth would actually have real mentors to keep them in line. Gang bangers wouldn’t be out on the streets saturating the country with drugs, corruption and prostitution, trafficking, raping etc.

This country has gone to hell in a hand basket and I blame it on the self-induced castration of today’s youth. A bunch of cowardly punks with absolutely no conviction!

I would say, I’m just a human, but I don’t usually feel like one when I see the politician speaks for us. I don’t usually feel anybody related to understanding politics is human at all; it’s just a body walking, talking, thinking, and animated consciousness. I recognize the world around me though it feels as if someone else is stimulating their actions as I witness from afar. Recognizable as the nation I understand as I walk through, live in, play in, connect with. I do all these same things, except connect. We all are so disconnected, interrupted from the flow of the ordinary. 

While socialism is passing into the history books as a once-noble ideal that degenerated into an instrument of tyranny in most parts of the world, it continues to bedevil the Indian polity. Money plays an important role in today’s politics “I may point out here that money plays a major role in surveys in the name of opinion polls, “Vote of an individual has been a great strength in a democracy, which is slowly and slowly being captured by moneyed people” I believe politics is the only profession where no degree or preparation is required.

Once a little boy asked “What is politics?” An elderly person explained “Well son, let me try to explain it this way: It’s like a family….the father is the breadwinner of the family, so he is known to be capitalism, mother is the administrator of the money to be known as Government. The kids or the children are known as people and the servant would be considered as the Working Class. And any new member coming in the family is considered as Future. Now, think about that and see if that makes sense, “So the little boy goes off to bed thinking about what that person had said. As years passed by and with his experience, his concept of politics is “Capitalism is screwing the Working Class, the Government is sound asleep, the People are being ignored and the Future is in deep poo.”If somebody asks me the meaning in simple word I shall break the word politics as “Poly” (means many or all of us) *Ticks” (Blood sucking parasites) , this how I learnt to define

The politicians can be wonderful people as long as they stay away from things they don’t understand, such as working for living. If given a chance or an opportunity to make a movie on politics the title would be “TRUE LIES”



Pee & woof can change our outlook towards life…..


Let the pet take you out for a walk ………………Many years ago it became common knowledge that stress can adversely affect the overall health of those who do not find positive ways to reduce it. Depending upon the amount of stress and a variety of other health factors, the consequences can be devastating. When you consider the many pressures of modern life, and the high pressure jobs many perform daily, you would think that anyone working a demanding job would be overwhelmed by stress. However, this simply is not the case. So what is the difference?

Although everyone is unique and has a different threshold for stress, much of it comes down to attitude. Two easy ways that can change our perspective are laughter and owning pets. If you find this funny, go ahead, laugh; it is good for you! Joking aside, everyone who owns a pet, will tell you that there are few things that will lift your spirits faster than coming home to an exuberant, loving dog.

Due to lifestyle differences, it is not practical for everyone to own a pet; however, everyone has the propensity for laughter. They can offer much of the same health benefit of laughter, and can be an excellent way to take your mind off the typical pressures that we all experience. The laughter that can be experienced having a pet has shown to distract people from stress inducing emotions such as anger, guilt, and other negative emotions. Additionally, the innocent and vulnerable nature of pets can promote feelings of kindness, which can completely change self defeating behaviors are the foremost purveyors of stress.

Imagine if you were on a website such as Match.com, and came across a profile for someone who promised to be the most loyal companion in the world, would reduce your stress, always be happy to see you, act as a positive role model for children, and yes, even serve as an alarm system and garbage disposal. Would that person seem too good to be true? They probably would. You can’t find all of those qualities in a human, but your typical dog exhibits all of these wonderful traits and more!

Do you have trouble getting out of bed in the morning? You wouldn’t if you had a dog! An alarm clock can be ignored, but you can’t hit the snooze button on a pooch’s bladder. And unlike a child jumping on your head at six in the morning demanding waffles, you can’t tell your dog to just go pour itself a bowl of Cheerios. You’ve got to get up, let it out to do its business, feed it, and while you’re at it, you might as well start your day. In addition to helping us get up and go, dogs also inspire us to go on more walks, jogs, and trips to the park.  Our furry friends do such a good job helping us burn calories that I’m surprised we haven’t seen a pooch on the panel of “The Biggest Loser.”

They never talk about themselves but listen to you while you talk about yourself and keep up an appearance of being interested in the conversation, I wish with the recent technology a device could be created where we could text our pets at home when alone and check what they are doing and whether they are alrite!!!!!!

Imagine the luckier dude when it says “No one will care what or when I itch. No one cares if I have hair growing in odd places. No one expects me to take a bath each day. Having a wet nose is a sign of good health. People think it’s cute if I pass gas. A bone or a shoe is very entertaining. I can spend hour’s just smelling stuff.  No one expects me to pay for lunch. If I gain weight, it’s someone else’s fault. Every garbage can is actually a buffet.”

“LOL” Owning a lively pet may sometimes prove exasperating, but it appears all the effort is worth it. Pet owners are healthier, have greater self-esteem and are less lonely than those who don’t have animals at home.

No matter what once they leave their paw prints would always be left behind…………….





Go Hip Hop with generation gap……………


Don’t we all feel that your parents are orthodox and your parents feel that your grandparents are orthodox? Well, if your answer is ‘yes’ then we should think about it over, 1s again  this is happening. This is what is called generation gap which is the reason why lines like ‘why don’t you understand mother, you are so outdated’   and   ‘come on son, understand what I am trying to say’.

And parents seen often singing “lonely m so lonely, so be with me ………and the kids turning around and sings….”My dreams are made of these, who are you to disagree, I travelled the world of seven seas , I am always looking for something, don’t care if they want to use me, don’t care if I am abused…………..so on this singing competition of generation gap can go on and on

It’s not what you call orthodoxy very commonly spoke amongst the family members. What we feel is right is mostly incorrect in the eyes of our elders who are not orthodox but just a little more concerned. Due to the changing times, now night life is not that safe for anyone, in particularly for girls. This is what our parents might try to convince of but we would not listen.

Both are right in their own ways. Children feel that they cannot spoil their night life where as parents don’t find their children secure. Times do change and so does the thinking. Contradictions arise between the family when children fail to understand their parents and go against them.

At times, even parents get too possessive of their child. In this situation, both should adjust. Parents should not just lock the child in the house but let them go out to explore the world where as children should understand that late nights are unsafe.

This can help them live jointly and understand each other’s view point. I am here with the best possible ways I could suggest to close this gap but acting upon it, will help which I think we all will do.

Well sing a song for every child once they turn 18……… (for every parent of today and tomorrow)

I will be your space bar, which will fill the gap, itself being a gap;

I will be the reason when you want to laugh,

I will be the pastel shade of your colorful life;

When u go rash with driving, I will be your red light,

I will be the call divert when you’re busy;

I will be the tissue paper when you cry,

I will be your strength when you break or rather, when you go for long walks and gymming;

I will be the “hit me” when you come with a bad mood from your office,

I will be your words when you go speechless…

 I want our relationship to BLOSSOM like a flower,

But never whither like one;

I want our relationship to reach the TOP,

But never fall;

I want our relationship to be like the RAIN,

But never stop….

Is this the kind of song the youngsters want to hear once they come late home………….? So be it ends the gap



Soap opera helps in high fertility rates……

They are endless: Climaxes for these soaps do not exist. One of the characters in a Star Plus soap was shown to have lived through four generations. The director still planned to keep her alive had she not died a real-life death.

There’s no such thing as certain death. Now, as far as I know, when you’re dead, you’re dead. But in Indian soaps a character can die and return as many times as the director wills it.Once a character is killed off, they may return to the show with a completely new face. Even the height, eye colour, and voice are different. Under some circumstances, the said character returns having suffered memory loss. This character thus remembers nothing except the latest fashion trends, of course.

Endless affairs: In every soap, there must be at least one extra-marital affair, and every extra-marital affair has to produce an illegitimate child. I would have thought that science had progressed enough to take care of that. But it seems that in the world of Indian soaps, the plastic surgeons are much more advanced than the gynecologists.

Absurdly large families: I am always amazed at how so many people can be accommodated in one house. What is even more surprising is how easily room is made for any added member. Do all middle-class Indians live in palaces?

The crazy math of money: Rich folk can lose their money if they screw up one deal out of the millions they conduct every day. They are shunted to a small house if one of their 50 factories catches fire. Meanwhile, the women may not have beds to sleep in, but they have gold jewellery that they can wear even as they do the dusting and sweeping.

The universal utility of the set: the living room seen in the first soap becomes a restaurant, and 30 minutes later it turns into an office. The same building keeps changing into a club, a bar and even a five-star hotel.

Drum rolls: Whether someone dies or a supposed-to-be-dead person returns (only to attend his/her spouse’s wedding, of course), your eardrums are sure to be pierced. These ear shattering notes follow arguments, slaps, and shocking moments in general.

Non-existent door locks: You live in a huge mansion and you do not have locks on your bedroom door? Some nosy aunty from the family can easily peek into your bedroom when you are getting naughty with your husband’s sister’s husband’s cousin. Surely, a disaster waiting to happen.

The age math. It is beyond me how the son can look older than his mother and younger than his wife. Maybe in the next season, they will all unveil themselves as the Cullen’s. Now that would be cool, wouldn’t it?